Saturday, March 19, 2011


My actual trip to Japan was ridiculously crazy in itself, but that'll wait until another post. Here are a few fascinating things I've found since being in Japan though:
  • There are drink vending machines just about everywhere! You can get hot or cold stuff too, and most are only about ¥100 (around US$1).
  • Japanese toilets are amazing. I'm not talking about the squat toilets though....screw those! Haha. The Western-styled kind with a Japanese twist have all sorts of gadgets like a seat warmer (really amazing in cold weather!), butt spray (not personally recommended), and the ability to make a fake flushing sound to cover up the noise you make when you go number two (apparently developed just for the ladies). The stalls in most of the public bathrooms I've been in also have sanitizing solution available so you can directly put your bottom on the toilet seat after cleaning it.
  • The trains here are incredibly efficient and totally clean. Because of the earthquake, they apparently haven't been quite on schedule and some aren't even running, but they still seem very reliable to me. The stops and transfer stations are all announced (in both Japanese and English), and even when it's super duper crowded (as seen in this viral video) people will actually move out of the way for you when you need to disembark.
  • There are no garbage cans anywhere! A friend told me that most Japanese people hold on to their garbage to deal with at home because they sort it according to whether or not it's flammable. But there's very little, if any, litter on the streets or sidewalk, surprisingly enough. My inner-hippie loves it!
  • Convenience stores are convenient. Not only do they sell snacks, cosmetics, and toiletries, you can get full on meals that are affordable and delicious. What's more, if it needs heating, the store clerk will do it for you! Most, if not all, are open 24 hours too.
For those who have been to Japan before, these things are probably no surprise. And yes, I read a lot about these sort of things before coming here, but experiencing it first hand and seeing it all for the first time with my own eyes is rather thrilling. And there's much more to be added later, I'm sure :)


Kaori said...

Nice blog title!
I love the toilet's seat warmer~ ;D

Anonymous said...

One of the first things I've ever wanted to do if I ever went to Japan was to ride the train. I love trains and what you described sounds like an adventure.

Be safe and have fun!!!

marico said...

@Kaori: Thank you and ありがとうww
@Sam: Yes, they're great! My sense of direction is terrible though so sometimes I get on the train heading in the opposite direction of where I wanna go, haha.

Michael 'Mikey' Berino said...

Cool blog! We can live vicariously through each other's experiences haha. Japan sounds amazing -- I'm determined to visit one day. Take care, prom date! haha

marico said...

Thanks, Michael! Come visit me when you're done with your African adventure XD