Wednesday, March 12, 2014


I've always been a pensive person and I constantly have all sorts of thoughts running through my mind. Maybe that's how I found blogging so therapeutic back when I was helped me to sort out the clutter in my brain, in a way. I kind of wish I still had the time and motivation to write more regularly nowadays.

So I've officially been in Japan for three years now. I touched on this subject briefly before, but it feels like it's been much longer. I think it's because I've found my niche here. I love my job and the city where I live. I have an awesome group of friends out here, and wonderful, supportive relatives only a train ride away. And while I'll always be the same person deep down, I've done a lot of growing up, especially in a psychological sense.

It was weird going back to California in December. It will always be my home, but it was a strange feeling being somewhere so familiar yet so foreign. Everything was the same, but everything was different. I can't really explain it. Overall though, I was happy to be back, even if it was just for two weeks. I was able to see most of the people I had hoped to see, and go to most of the places I had planned to go. I barely had enough time to properly sleep at night, I was so busy running around and having fun.

However, there were so many small things I had forgotten about since I don't experience them on a daily basis here in Japan. There is litter everywhere you go in America, even with trashcans on every corner. Public transportation is smelly and full of crazy people. American food, even the "ethnic" stuff, is greasy and super salty or sugary. Americans really are friendly and loud; I don't think it's a stereotype. And everything is so....big.

I don't mean to sound like I'm putting down America because that's not my intention at all. I love my country and am proud to be an American. I just think it's interesting how the place that's supposed to my home was almost like an alien planet, and I was a visitor just passing by.

I'm not sure when I'll next visit, but when I do, hopefully this reverse culture shock won't be as strong. One thing's for sure though: I don't think I can live in California again.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A wild blog post appears!

Uhhh...'sup, Internet. Long time, no blog. Nearly two years, actually ^w^; It's funny...back in my late high school and college days, I could barely go a day without blogging, even if it were about trivial day-to-day banalities. I definitely think our modern social media has had an impact on my already short attention span, but I also think a part of me has grown out of the joy I used to find in writing down my daily activities. A little sad, but meh, people do grow out of things. C'est la vie.

So what's been up with me over the past year and seven months? Not much, honestly. I'm still in Iruma, still enjoying my time in Japan, LOVING teaching...don't have too many complaints about life right now. Actually though, I've recently come down with the flu, so according to the doctor's orders, I can't go to work for the week. I'm definitely over being cooped up in my house and it's only Tuesday...but at least it's given me an excuse to revive this ol' thang ;P

My three year anniversary in Japan in coming up in March. It's hard to believe I've been here this long already! I can't say that it feels like I just arrived yesterday fact, it almost feels like I've been here longer. While I'm not completely "turned Japanese" (and that will never ever happen...I'll make sure of it, haha), I'm without a doubt in the mastery stage of culture shock. I am still constantly struggling with the Japanese language, but my proficiency is constantly improving. As a matter of fact, I took Level 2 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) back in December and got notice a few weeks back that I passed! \(^O^)/ I'm planning to take Level 1 in July, but I gotta work my ass off for that one; apparently even native Japanese have trouble passing it.

This past winter break, I was very lucky and got to go back California for the first time in two years. I had spent Christmas 2012 in Japan, and while I was super fortunate to have had wonderful, amazing friends to celebrate it with, nothing beats being home for the holidays. I honestly had the best trip I could have ever wished for...everything was perfect and it was like a dream come true! It made me feel extremely happy and loved to know that I have warm, welcoming arms waiting for me back at home. At the same time, it was extremely strange experiencing reverse culture shock. America's weird, man o_O;

But that'll all wait for another post. Hopefully. See you soon, but no promises :P